The Global Legal Alliance響應式網站建設由酷站科(kē)技(jì )完成上線(xiàn)

2019-11-18 酷站科(kē)技(jì ) 小(xiǎo)
非常感謝(xiè)The Global Legal Alliance對酷站科(kē)技(jì )的工作(zuò)支持,貴司網站建設項目由北京網站建設公司酷站科(kē)技(jì )完成并正式上線(xiàn)。     
程序語言:PHP + Mysql 

The Global Legal Alliance (hereinafter referred to as “GLA”), founded on May 19th, 2016 is a global legal service alliance and an international platform for legal professionals headquartered in Hong Kong and Beijing, China. The GLA aims to grow into a public platform where global legal service providers can network, communicate, and cooperate with each other. 

The GLA is a non-profitable NGO which is made up of legal institutions and legal service providers. The GLA has been developed under the “one belt, one road” initiative. The GLA operates by drawing information from investment and legal databases. This database will help GLA members comply with regulations, observe codes of ethics and also adhere to national guidelines, policies and programs thus protecting the legal interests of GLA members. Through this alliance, lawyers around the world can cooperatively work together. By working with the GLA, legal service providers from various legal jurisdictions will be able to deepen their understanding of international cooperation while develop networking connections. 

The GLA is sponsored jointly by P.C. Woo& Co. Law Firm (Hong Kong, PRC), Zhonglun W&D Law Firm (Beijing, PRC), DKLM Law Firm (UK), Naji Law Firm (Saudi Arabia), Total Service (Cyprus), Huicheng Law Firm (PRC), Huang Tang & Marvin, LLP (USA) and the Italian and Dutch law firms and organizations.

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